
Here you will find various widgets, tools, and other online content developed by the TPA that you can email, share around the web, and embed in blogs and on websites.


Public / Private Pay Calculator

Our new online calculator allows someone in the private sector to assess how their total remuneration per hour is comparable to that enjoyed by public sector workers on significantly lower salaries.

Click here to use the online calculator

Taxbuster Smartphone App

The Tax Buster app for smartphones allows shoppers to find out how much they really pay when buying everyday items.

With a few details about any purchase Tax Buster can calculate how much money from an item went on VAT and duties. It will also tell a shopper how much they had to earn before taxes to make the money to buy the product.

Click here to get the app

Debt Clock

Click here to get your own TPA Debt Clock for use on websites, blogs and social networking sites.

Green Calculator

Click here to find out how much you've paid in green taxes and regulations...

Brown Calculator

Poor Gordon just can't get his sums right. Try his calculator and see how bad things are...

Here you will find various widgets, tools, and other online content developed by the TPA that you can email, share around the web, and embed in blogs and on websites.


Public / Private Pay Calculator

Our new online calculator allows someone in the private sector to assess how their total remuneration per hour is comparable to that enjoyed by public sector workers on significantly lower salaries.

Click here to use the online calculator

Taxbuster Smartphone App

The Tax Buster app for smartphones allows shoppers to find out how much they really pay when buying everyday items.

With a few details about any purchase Tax Buster can calculate how much money from an item went on VAT and duties. It will also tell a shopper how much they had to earn before taxes to make the money to buy the product.

Click here to get the app

Debt Clock

Click here to get your own TPA Debt Clock for use on websites, blogs and social networking sites.

Green Calculator

Click here to find out how much you've paid in green taxes and regulations...

Brown Calculator

Poor Gordon just can't get his sums right. Try his calculator and see how bad things are...

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