At the end of last year, one of my concerns was councils would try and raise extra revenue by increasing parking charges. It concerned me because I knew it would have a detrimental impact on local shopkeepers. The sheer amount of stories there have been this year has proved my fears were not unfounded.
Traders tell me that if Hull had free on-street parking on Sundays it would encourage people to park-up, and have a coffee or lunch in one of the city's many cafes and restaurants. This argument makes sense. If you don't have to pay to park, you are more likely to pop into a couple of shops and then have something to eat or drink. If you are pushed for time, you don't want to park in a multi storey car park, and then walk into the city centre. You want to park somewhere that's convenient and easy. It's not that the council will lose out on much revenue either. As I've already stated, very few people currently park their cars in the on-street spaces.