1. Does the BBC licence fee (currently £157.50) offer good value for money?
The licence fee has risen, up from £154.50 last year, and since August 2020 over 3 million people aged above 75 have been told to pay for it.
2. Do you think the BBC is biased in its news reporting?
Presenters airing their personal views, editorial decisions about which stories to feature in news bulletins and misleading headlines have all led the BBC to be accused of bias.
3. Are BBC execs and 'stars' overpaid?
The TaxPayers' Alliance BBC Rich List 2020 found BBC stars and executives are both receiving mega-salaries, with senior executives costing a total of £37.5 million each year.
4. How often do you use BBC services?
The licence fee is charged, not for actually accessing BBC content or services, but simply for owning a television which could do so.
5. Should non-payment of the licence fee be decriminalised?
Making the fee enforceable only by civil means, like most other bills, would prevent the charge from being added to another tax, such as council tax.
6. Should the TV licence fee be abolished?
When the BBC Charter is up for renewal in 2027, the government will have to decide whether to move to a new system or keep the compulsory licence fee.
2,166 people took part in this survey conducted by the TaxPayers' Alliance. The survey was conducted from 22nd September to 22nd October 2020.