Barbara Lockwood is an experienced campaigner for lower taxes, and runs the campaign Folk Against Council Tax (F.A.C.T) as well as being a supporter and active member of the TaxPayers’ Alliance. She has a well-known reputation in Norwich battling against greedy government and the unfair council tax, with a host of supporters joining her to fight against high taxes.
Over the past months, she has sent out over 200 TPA leaflets, drawing in an impressive response from local residents angry at such high rates of tax.
Here she gives us some information about herself and what she wants to achieve in her campaigns:
“I’m not sure if anybody is interested in my past and hectic lifestyle, but I thought I would forward a report on my movements since the Thatcher years when she introduced the Poll Tax to cover the hierarchy and force the middle and low paid and students to cover all in 1991/2.
I won’t go into the full story (it would be a book) however, as then a retiring Nan and Granddad, with two teenagers at home looking for employment, I exploded when told my husband would have to pay the tax for the four of us. On mobilising annoyed students we joined the Trafalgar and Downing Street protests that absolutely appalled me when confronted with riot police on horseback determined to aggravate all – even me.
This continued here in Norwich with a despicable four-month Crown Court case of 15 students and families from Colchester, who I helped as a Mackenzie friend. Believe me, the whole case was a waste of taxes and a complete farce. I lost complete faith in my own country and it still continues – even more.
We now have a government creeping along wasting every penny of this country’s taxes: spending madness with a population following suit. Where will it end?
My long standing campaign over the yet again unfair Council Tax Banding will continue until it is reviewed and accorded within ability to pay, or maybe replaced with a local tax.
Greedy governments must be made to relieve, all citizens allowed to achieve and stealth taxing must be outlawed.
I would appreciate to know how many others would agree; come on, let’s have some replies.”
If you'd like to join the campaign in Norwich you can get in touch with Barbara by emailing her or me at our London office. If you're campaigning for lower taxes, please do as Barbara has done and let us know what you've been doing to help the campaign. You never know, maybe your example could inspire other taxpayers to join our campaign and crusade for lower taxes...