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South West Surrey TPA in the news

  Congratulations to Peter Webb and the South West Surrey TPA branch.  TPA South West Surrey Organiser Peter Webb hit the front page of the Surrey Times with comment on his local MP’s expenses.  This is how our branches are expanding their campaigns.  Peter has been working to recruit taxpayers... Read more...

The Adam Smith Institute on welfare reform

The Adam Smith Institute have published an excellent study (PDF) on the vitally important subject of welfare reform.  It shows how the US has managed to fight poverty by getting people into work. In stark contrast, Britain's over-complicated welfare system masks incentives and tries to spend the poor out of... Read more...

State education failure: reading

A report published by the Cambridge Primary Review, the biggest inquiry into primary education for decades, has found that the National Literacy Strategy has had almost no impact on children's reading skills. The research was carried out by academics at the universities of Bristol and Durham and the National Foundation... Read more...

Business Link staff warn public cash will be wasted on move

Buiness Link West Midlands, a quango ‘whose visibility in the business world is poor’ now has its own staff revolting in opposition to it wasting taxpayers' money (Birmingham Post).   Despite staff contracts stating that the organisation will remain in the Black Country, the wheels are in motion for a... Read more...

The 'pink elephant' lives on...

We are about to be hearing a lot more about The Public, the vastly over budget arts centre in West Bromwich that has been nicknamed the ‘pink elephant’ by detractors.   From today it has a new captain at the helm who is attempting to steer it towards a successful... Read more...

Blaming the cancer victim

An excellent blog over at An Englishman's Castle (via Devils Kitchen) explains that the report that too much red meat is giving us all cancer is massively overblown: "I have actually downloaded the report , all 537 pages of it. It is a vast data dredge. I have failed to... Read more...

Scuffling At The Pension Trough

Because I'm worth it Lord Falconer is scuffling with Gordon Brown over how much money we taxpayers will be forced to shell out to keep him in comfortable retirement. Brown's offering £50 grand pa: Falconer's demanding £100 grand. They'll be meeting in court.Meanwhile, the head of the Post Office- yes,... Read more...

Threatening Schools Week

Apparently it is Threatening Schools Week.  Yesterday the Charities Commission threatened to remove charitable status from private schools they didn't think were doing enough to help poorer students.  Today the Telegraph reports that Gordon Brown is threatening to close schools that don't reach a sufficient standard in GCSE results.  ... Read more...

Possible U-turn on capital gains tax

In what appears to be at least a partial climbdown, the  Government is considering re-introducing a capital gains tax retirement relief of £100,000 for small businessmen who sell up and retire. The Times reports: "Three weeks after Mr Darling announced his plan for a single 18 per cent rateof capital... Read more...

IPOD generation: government failing to learn lessons

The think tank Reform has released an updated version of its important report on the IPOD generation. This time, it focuses on government policies, or lack of them, to deal with the central problem that young poeple are facing - higher taxes to deal with an ageing population, but no... Read more...

On The Show This Morning...

A morbid and depressing display... funded by taxpayers Meet Alison Goulding. She has "five tellies - including a £1,000 widescreen - a hi-fi, Sky TV, two Play-Station 2s and four DVD players. Her huge garden boasts a full-size trampoline, two sets of swings and FIVE mountain bikes. She also has... Read more...

Redbox Ripoff

Better value at 40p "More than £50,000 has been spent on the famous "red boxes" used by government ministers over the past few years, according to an MP's survey.Prices of the boxes, which are used to store government papers securely, ranged from £385 to £750 each." (BBC: HTP Heather)The biggest... Read more...

More on superbugs

Margarent McCartney's article in the Financial Times on superbugs is well worth reading.  In particular, this section gets at how the inexperience and lack of subject knowledge associated with political management is crucial to the failure to control hospital infections: "Politicians are tackling MRSA with campaigning zeal. Gordon Brown has... Read more...

Weekly Waste Watch- 79

Consultants don't do flood defences In the news this week:Defra blows another £1.1bn on consultants- "Vital flood defence funding was cut while ministers spent a record £1 billion on management consultants... Defra spent £140million on consultants in 2002-3, reaching £290 million in 2006-7. It has spent £1.1 billion since 2002.... Read more...

Quackers regulations

Yesterday a council instructed a community-aware couple not to tend to a grass verge by their house because it prevented council staff from ‘monitoring’ when it needed to be cut. Today Oakley and Deane Parish Council have ordered residents not to feed the ducks because, and I never knew this,... Read more...

Jeremy Leggett on Renewable Power

Leggett's article for Comment is Free is so idiotic it is positively painful. I'll fisk it and then quickly conclude with a little examination of his dubious byline: "When Britain and Germany raced to scale up their aircraft industries for war in the 1930s, the British competed rather well. Recovering... Read more...

New Deal No Deal For Taxpayers

  How to get shameless workshy dole recipients back to work and earning their own keep is one of the oldest problems in welfare. Indeed, it was the principal driver for the Poor Law reforms of the 1830s (see this blog and James Bartholomew's outstanding Welfare State We're In for... Read more...

Truancy rises again

Still-rising levels of truancy, reported today by the Independent, are a result of the failure of an education system under political mangement.  There are a few key failures at work here.   1)  Children haven't learn to read   Poor literacy standards mean that a child will often find the... Read more...

London area social

Around 40 TPA supporters and activists joined us last night at the Old Monk Pub for the first London area social.  We had a great turnout, allowing the TPA staff to meet our activists working so hard campaigning for lower taxes and better government.  It was also a good opportunity... Read more...

MPs record expenses "extortionate", says TaxPayers' Alliance

TPA says MPs "should be ashamed of themselves"   Increase per MP calculated by TPA   TPA calls on Commons authorities to follow Scottish Parliament in revealing itemised expenses   Responding to the publication of MPs’ expense claims for 2006-07 today, the TaxPayers' Alliance described the rises as “extortionate”. TPA... Read more...

MPs’ EXPENSES: Tories best value for money, Plaid Cymru worst

The TPA’s analysis of today’s expense claim figures for MPs ranks the main Parties by the average amount claimed per MP in expenses. Travel expenses are excluded given the different geographic spread of the Parties.     Matthew Elliott, Chief Executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: “Conservative MPs should be... Read more...

£34k for a 'Young Mayor Coordinator'

Have a read of this non-job an activist alerted us to:   “Young Mayor Co-ordinator£27,800 - £34,100 pa inc.   In October 2007, the young people of Newham have voted for their first ever Young Mayor. You will provide principal support to the Young Mayor, working with him to deliver... Read more...

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