If you think the furore going on up in Lincolnshire is bad, just look at this story sent into us by a supporter this cold Monday morning:
“ALMOST £40,000 of taxpayers’ money is being spent on rented accommodation for surf reef workers from New Zealand – even though they are not currently in the country.
Bournemouth council has defended its decision to rent out four two-bedroom flats in Boscombe for eight ASR staff working on the reef, claiming it was the most cost-effective thing to do.”
If you can stomach it, you can read the rest of the story here.
Locally, residents have been up in arms over Bournemouth council’s decision to make its own surf reef but knowing that the council is paying for empty property adds insult to injury. Given the history we’ve had with the arrogant leadership of Bournemouth council – the same people who put up their own pay as the UK bordered on recession – I can’t say I’m surprised to learn they think wasting £40k is value for money.
You can either leave a comment on the Daily Echo website or, rather, email the leader of Bournemouth Council , Cllr. Stephen MacLoughlin, and ask him to explain himself. If you want to hold them to account in person, go here to find out how to question councillors at public meetings.