We're keen to spread the word about the 2020 Tax Commission's innovative proposals not just around the whole country but internationally, too. I wrote an article for the Institute of Public Affairs' IPA Review on how The Single Income Tax could benefit Australia as well as Britain:
We're keen to spread the word about the 2020 Tax Commission's innovative proposals not just around the whole country but internationally, too. I wrote an article for the Institute of Public Affairs' IPA Review on how The Single Income Tax could benefit Australia as well as Britain:
Australia’s tax system has its problems. Too complicated, too many special allowances and specific taxes, and too much money drained out of the pockets of working Australians. But things could be worse. Australia could have the British tax system, instead. Imagine a system that imposed tax rates on labour income which, when you add them all up, are as high as 66 per cent.
We're keen to spread the word about the 2020 Tax Commission's innovative proposals not just around the whole country but internationally, too. I wrote an article for the Institute of Public Affairs' IPA Review on how The Single Income Tax could benefit Australia as well as Britain:
Australia’s tax system has its problems. Too complicated, too many special allowances and specific taxes, and too much money drained out of the pockets of working Australians. But things could be worse. Australia could have the British tax system, instead. Imagine a system that imposed tax rates on labour income which, when you add them all up, are as high as 66 per cent.