Today the TPA and our supporters were at the Haywards Heath magistrates’ court – along with some members of Isitfair – to support Terry Reilly who was protesting his above inflation council tax bill today.
Below you can read Terry's powerful statement that sums up the iniquity, incoherence and injustice associated with the Council Tax system:
"I plead not guilty under-paying £143.95 but I will admit to paying £450 more than I should have done.
As a lone pensioner I have paid £6000 to Mod Sussex District Council in the last 5 years in Council Tax. Whereas a family in the average dwelling in Manchester have paid £3,800. I am not a Council Tax rebel I am a Council Tax victim.
I attended this court in October last year and was given a number of assurances that were later denied. The assurances were given by Miss Cordery and Mrs Evans of Mid Sussex District Council and, because of them I was persuaded by them not to appear before the magistrates. My integrity was called into question by someone in Mid Sussex District Council who did not like the newspaper reports and I can no longer trust Mid Sussex District Council.
I wrote to this court to ascertain what judgment was held against me. I will read the response to you
“With reference to your letter dated 12/01/09 we would advise you that we have passed your letter on the Mid Sussex District Council for them to deal with . We do not keep a record of any individual council matters heard at court as the Council merely use the court as a venue to conduct their matters”
… I am concerned that a Court of Law does not keep records and I have to approach the prosecutors for such information.
I became aware of the seriousness of the situation in 2003-4 when Council Tax went up nationally by 12% but in Mid Sussex it went up by 18.4% repeat – 18.4%
I then realised this was unsustainable and would lead to problems for pensioners, and those of fixed incomes and the lower-paid. The Audit Commission report also read “A general pattern emerges which shows that regions in the South with lower grant increases had higher council tax increases and those in the midlands and the North with higher grant increases had lower council tax”
From time to time I have written to Central Government and the responses have been arrogant and patronising. For example, when I asked why Mid Sussex District Council had increased council tax by 154.4% in 11 years I was told that they had acted “within the rules” and the government would not defend me. I was also told that I could get free eye-tests, and council tax benefit was available when I had run out of money. I have also had meetings with my MP and have exhausted all the channels available to me.
Let me mention ‘Relative Resource Amount (RRA) . This allows central government to assume that in the South-East everyone is wealthy because property costs more. In 2008-9 West Sussex was surcharged £127 million whereas Durham was surcharged £40 million. Government grant /head was £124 in West Sussex but £300 in Durham.
Further examples:-
Council tax for ‘average dwellings were as follows:-
Elmbridge (Surrey) £1692
Mid Sussex £1444
Horsham £1488
Durham £1060
Manchester £768
This is the effect of political manipulation by central government by more than £600 per average dwelling
The government have decided that because I live in West Sussex I can pay more Council Tax than Jack Straw; Hazel Blears; John Prescott and Tony Blair
With a few exceptions (one being Westminster) the government have decided that if you live in a part of the country that does not have a Labour MP you will be punished financially .
If aid is required for some parts of the country let it be transparent and not from the pockets of pensioners in the South-East.
In 2004-5 when I first paid my council tax in line with the RPI the difference was £32.15, five years down the line it is now £143.95 which is more than 11/2 times the basic state pension, which, I remind you is the same amount nationwide. Mid Sussex District Council as agents of central government have attempted to rob me of 11/2 week’s state pension. This does not accord with pronouncements by government agencies and councils that we, the elderly should be cared for and respected.
As of February 19th 2009 158 people owed £1000 or more council tax for 2007-8 Also, 459 owe over £1000 for 2008-9. This is in excess of £600,000. Where are these people?
I am a pensioner who has lived in this country since birth, and I am a law-abiding Christian. I do not own a baseball bat or a Rottweiler, and, I am therefore a soft target. I have to pay for all my needs including my own videos; bath-plugs and barbecues!
I have control over my water consumption by meter. I can turn down the thermostat and wear extra clothing to minimise my heating bills. There is no escape however from this iniquitous and regressive tax which is politically manipulated.
Perhaps an adjournment to call a representative from Mid Sussex District Council to confirm or deny the validity of my figures would be appropriate, also, to confirm or deny that we in West Sussex are being taken advantage of. If we look around, we do not see bankers, MP’s, Doctors accountants etc. We see retired people on fixed income and the lower paid. They have one thing in common – they are hurting.
I urge you to not only sympathise with the plight of thousands of pensioners but to make it clear that you will not tolerate the political and financial abuse that I have outlined and I plead with you to find in my favour
I thank you for your time and courtesy."
Please pass this blog onto the leader of Mid Sussex District Council, Cllr. Gordon Marples ([email protected]). Tell him that we're overtaxed and reiterate the points in Terry's statement above.
If you can spare the time, please also send this blog onto Mid Sussex district councillors who can be contacted on the following email addresses:
Cllr Andrew MacNaughton - [email protected]
Cllr Gary Marsh - [email protected]
Cllr Stephen Barnett - [email protected]
Cllr Susan Seward - [email protected]
Cllr Andrew Barrett-Miles - [email protected]
Cllr Jacquir Landriani - [email protected]
Cllr Heather Ross - [email protected]
Cllr Julian Thorpe - [email protected]
Cllr Anne Jones - [email protected]
Cllr Pru Moore - [email protected]
Cllr Patrick Cutler - [email protected]
Cllr Kathleen Dumbovic - [email protected]
Cllr Graham Knight - [email protected]
Cllr Janice Henwood - [email protected]
Cllr Eileen Balsdon - [email protected]
Cllr Mandy Thomas-Atkin - [email protected]
Cllr Sophia Harrison - [email protected]
Cllr Mark Livesey - [email protected]
Cllr Dorothy Hatswell - [email protected]
Cllr Ian Pearce - [email protected]
Cllr Mike Watts - [email protected]
Cllr Brenda Binge - [email protected]
Cllr Edward King - [email protected]
Cllr Liz Bennett - [email protected]
Cllr Peter Reed - [email protected]
Cllr Andrew Brock - [email protected]
Cllr Bernard Gillbard - [email protected]
Cllr Ian Dixon - [email protected]
Cllr Chris Jerrey - [email protected]
Cllr Heidi Brunson - [email protected]
Cllr Jean Glynn - [email protected]
Cllr James Joyce-Nelson - [email protected]
Cllr Edward Matthews - [email protected]
Cllr Sue Hatton - [email protected]
Cllr Peter Martin - [email protected]
Cllr Richard Bates - [email protected]
Cllr Brian Hall - [email protected]
Cllr Paddy Henry - [email protected]
Cllr Irene Balls - [email protected]
Cllr Clive Chapman - [email protected]
Cllr Garry Wall - [email protected]
Cllr Jonathan Ash-Edwards - [email protected]
Cllr Margaret Baker - [email protected]
Cllr John Besley - [email protected]
Cllr Jane Keel - [email protected]
Cllr Chris Hersey - [email protected]
Cllr James Temple-Smithson - [email protected]
Cllr Gina Field - [email protected]
Cllr Susanna Kemp - [email protected]
Cllr Jack Callaghan - [email protected]
Cllr Margaret Hersey - [email protected]
Cllr Andrew Lea - [email protected]
Cllr Christopher Snowling - [email protected]