High Speed 2 (HS2) is looking for a new chairman, and I think it's high-time that taxpayers' interests are represented. Even before the coronavirus crisis struck, this was a burden too great for Britain's hard-pressed households to shoulder. That's why I am applying for the role of chairman. I know what is needed to make the project successful for key stakeholders, namely British taxpayers: scrapping HS2.
It is fair to stay that under the outgoing chairman’s watch things have been a disaster. Since Mr Cook has been in the role, costs have soared from £56 billion to over £100 billion. Some estimate the final bill could be £170 billion. Furthermore, the benefit cost ratio of the project has fallen to a woeful 1.3. Taxpayers are getting a bad deal.
Through my work at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, I know where the public’s money is being wasted. For example, freedom of information requests revealed HS2 wasted over £3 million on expenses including private cars, furniture, and fees for its board. The cost of travel alone was almost £50,000 a week. This cannot continue.
HS2 must be stopped before it comes off the rails. I am the person for the job. My first act as Chairman would be to cut back any unnecessary spend before terminating the project, in the interests of British taxpayers.
If successful in my application, I will refuse the advertised salary of £200,000 - another saving for the taxpayer.
Thank you to everyone who supported my application. I am now waiting to hear back from High Speed 2. Watch this space!
- Harry
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