Every day the Government spends huge amounts of your money, paid for with irresponsible borrowing and ruinously high taxes. Too much is wasted, but the sums involved can make it hard to appreciate just how much is spent.
To help get our heads around the scale of public spending, we've put together a short video illustrating how time really does equal money - your money.Every day the Government spends huge amounts of your money, paid for with irresponsible borrowing and ruinously high taxes. Too much is wasted, but the sums involved can make it hard to appreciate just how much is spent.
To help get our heads around the scale of public spending, we've put together a short video illustrating how time really does equal money - your money.
To help get our heads around the scale of public spending, we've put together a short video illustrating how time really does equal money - your money.Every day the Government spends huge amounts of your money, paid for with irresponsible borrowing and ruinously high taxes. Too much is wasted, but the sums involved can make it hard to appreciate just how much is spent.
To help get our heads around the scale of public spending, we've put together a short video illustrating how time really does equal money - your money.