Dear TPA supporters,
Thank you to all those who lobbied Bournemouth’s councillors this past weekend over their pay deal that would see their salaries rise by 17%, the cabinet by 32% and the leader by 34%. This pay deal comes after Bournemouth council dropped a star to a 2 star rating from the Audit Commission, compared to 83% of other councils who have 3 or more stars. We can’t allow councils like Bournemouth to use taxpayers’ money to reward failure!
As a result of our lobbying, the following councillors have declared they will vote against the pay deal:
Basil Ratcliffe
Pat Lewis
Claire Smith
Richard Smith
Roger West
Carol Ainge
Sue Levell
Ronald Whittaker
Therefore can I ask that you no longer lobby these councillors and concentrate on those that haven’t replied to emails or are wavering?
Some councillors have yet to make up their mind. Please make these points to the undecided councillors to express taxpayers’ frustration at the pay deal:
(a) The Independent Remuneration Panel only makes unbinding recommendations to councillors on their pay – they can reject the deal.
(b) Bournemouth can lead the way in delivering taxpayer value for money by rejecting the pay deal.
(c) The government can barely afford to give front line public servants - police and teachers – more money. What message does it send when councillors give themselves a 17% pay increase?
(d) If they reply asking if you’re a constituent, be honest. Even if you don’t live in Bournemouth, your taxes go to fund local government under the granting system. This is not just a local issue and they should have to explain how a pay increase of 17, 32 and 34% would be value for money and see an increase in councillor activity by such rates.
(e) Finally, if they will vote for the pay deal, ask them if Bournemouth council’s level of service will go up by the same percentage.
The wavering councillors you should direct these points to are:
Cllr Robert Lawton (Con) - 07974 215933 / [email protected]
Cllr Andrew Morgan (Con) - [email protected]
Cllr Rod Cooper (Con) - [email protected]
All other councillors are yet to respond, so please keep lobbying them. You can find the contact details for the other councillors by following this link to our campaign blog.
As you can see already, we’re getting some good coverage of this campaign. There’s only three days left for us to capitalise and lobby to get Bournemouth Council to back down over this pay deal. Please take only five minutes of your day to contact Bournemouth’s councillors and fight on behalf of Bournemouth’s taxpayers.
Thank you for all your help and efforts, keep up the excellent work!
Best wishes,
Tim Aker
Grassroots Coordinator