It has been some time since I last wrote about Oxford City Council, but once again they have come on to my radar. The council is looking to recruit a Workplace Travel Coordinator. Here's part of the advertisement:
I wonder what our friends from the Plain English Campaign make of that? I believe "deliver modal shift to more sustainable choices" means "don't use your car", or perhaps "don't use a car unless you car share". "Facilitate improved opportunities for sustainable travel choices" should read "get them to provide more buses".
The facts are simple though: if you live in the country, need to get your children to school, and then get yourself to work, you don't have a choice but to use your car. Even if you live on a bus route, your place of work may not be in a central location, meaning you have to travel into the city centre and then out again. Anyone who has tried that will tell you how long it takes.
We don't sit in traffic jams for the fun of it. We do it because we don't have an option. Many people commute to work using public transport because for them it is the best option. Others choose their car. It is up to us how we travel to work, and has nothing to do with councils. Less meddling please, and concentrate more on the core front-line services we pay our Council Tax for.
It has been some time since I last wrote about Oxford City Council, but once again they have come on to my radar. The council is looking to recruit a Workplace Travel Coordinator. Here's part of the advertisement:
I wonder what our friends from the Plain English Campaign make of that? I believe "deliver modal shift to more sustainable choices" means "don't use your car", or perhaps "don't use a car unless you car share". "Facilitate improved opportunities for sustainable travel choices" should read "get them to provide more buses".
The facts are simple though: if you live in the country, need to get your children to school, and then get yourself to work, you don't have a choice but to use your car. Even if you live on a bus route, your place of work may not be in a central location, meaning you have to travel into the city centre and then out again. Anyone who has tried that will tell you how long it takes.
We don't sit in traffic jams for the fun of it. We do it because we don't have an option. Many people commute to work using public transport because for them it is the best option. Others choose their car. It is up to us how we travel to work, and has nothing to do with councils. Less meddling please, and concentrate more on the core front-line services we pay our Council Tax for.
Main Duties & Responsibilities
• To be responsible for the development, promotion and implementation of the Council’s Workplace Travel Plan, in line with the travel hierarchy, to deliver modal shift to more sustainable choices
• To work with public transport providers, other appropriate organisations and businesses to facilitate improved opportunities for sustainable travel choices.
• To forecast, collect, record and report data on reduced CO2 emissions from the implementation of sustainable transport choices.
I wonder what our friends from the Plain English Campaign make of that? I believe "deliver modal shift to more sustainable choices" means "don't use your car", or perhaps "don't use a car unless you car share". "Facilitate improved opportunities for sustainable travel choices" should read "get them to provide more buses".
The facts are simple though: if you live in the country, need to get your children to school, and then get yourself to work, you don't have a choice but to use your car. Even if you live on a bus route, your place of work may not be in a central location, meaning you have to travel into the city centre and then out again. Anyone who has tried that will tell you how long it takes.
We don't sit in traffic jams for the fun of it. We do it because we don't have an option. Many people commute to work using public transport because for them it is the best option. Others choose their car. It is up to us how we travel to work, and has nothing to do with councils. Less meddling please, and concentrate more on the core front-line services we pay our Council Tax for.
It has been some time since I last wrote about Oxford City Council, but once again they have come on to my radar. The council is looking to recruit a Workplace Travel Coordinator. Here's part of the advertisement:
Main Duties & Responsibilities
• To be responsible for the development, promotion and implementation of the Council’s Workplace Travel Plan, in line with the travel hierarchy, to deliver modal shift to more sustainable choices
• To work with public transport providers, other appropriate organisations and businesses to facilitate improved opportunities for sustainable travel choices.
• To forecast, collect, record and report data on reduced CO2 emissions from the implementation of sustainable transport choices.
I wonder what our friends from the Plain English Campaign make of that? I believe "deliver modal shift to more sustainable choices" means "don't use your car", or perhaps "don't use a car unless you car share". "Facilitate improved opportunities for sustainable travel choices" should read "get them to provide more buses".
The facts are simple though: if you live in the country, need to get your children to school, and then get yourself to work, you don't have a choice but to use your car. Even if you live on a bus route, your place of work may not be in a central location, meaning you have to travel into the city centre and then out again. Anyone who has tried that will tell you how long it takes.
We don't sit in traffic jams for the fun of it. We do it because we don't have an option. Many people commute to work using public transport because for them it is the best option. Others choose their car. It is up to us how we travel to work, and has nothing to do with councils. Less meddling please, and concentrate more on the core front-line services we pay our Council Tax for.