A new glut of government positions on the internet today bring with them this week’s non-job, another ambiguous post with a self-consciously ‘modern’ title. More generally, it’s astonishing that of the 384 public sector jobs advertised on the Guardian site today so few relate to practical frontline service delivery and so very many (like today’s choice) are concerned with short-lived initiatives and constructing PR veneers to present to the taxpaying public.
The Greater London Authority are one amongst many authorities proffering handsome salaries to individuals with indeterminate skills to perform this role of debatable value:
“Inspire Co-ordinator – London 2012
£36,238 pa
The Mayor of London is determined that London and Londoners do everything possible to secure a lasting legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. The Inspire Programme is a unique mechanism which is helping to capture that legacy and showcase the cultural impact of the Games.
In this role, you will identify and shape London-based projects that are inspired by London 2012, and recommend them to the London 2012 Organising Committee for inclusion in the programme. You will advise projects before, during and after their applications and help them make the most of their association with the powerful London 2012 brand.
You will have experience of using strong relationship-building and communication skills in a multi-agency environment, including one or more of the cultural, voluntary and public sectors. You will understand the good judgement and discipline involved in working with brands. You will be infectiously passionate about the opportunity presented by London 2012, and relish the opportunity to work in a fast-moving, fast-changing environment.
Contract Type: Fixed Term until 31st October 2012”
Incidentally, the only two other vacancies on the Greater London Authority jobs page are for a Business Support Co-ordinator (same salary, also relating to the Olympics) and a Senior Press Officer.
The cost of the Olympics is a weight on all of us, and dubious jobs like “Inspire Co-ordinator” that are supposedly being put in place to ensure London rinses all the goodness it can from the games just add to the burden whilst contributing nothing to the event itself.
“In this role, you will identify and shape London-based projects that are inspired by London 2012, and recommend them to the London 2012 Organising Committee for inclusion in the programme.”
Of course it will be great after all this expense forthe local community to profit, be it culturally or financially, but do we really need to pay someone to go around and point these things out so that we can have them ‘showcased’ back at us to prove what a great success the Olympics were? This whole 'Inspire' project looks a lot like games organisers trying to cover their backs by making plans to find and heavily fund projects that claim to have been inspired by the Olympics so that they can deflect any bad press during or after the event by putting an emphasis on the regenerative benefits of holding the event.
The Olympic project has now spawned many splinter schemes with budgets and remits that - though questionable - sound so nice with their talk of sports and arts and communities they’re almost hard to squash. The trouble is the that cost (which will not be small) will almost definitely outweigh the benefit and, after all, won't the initiatives that are truly 'inspired' and worthwhile endure without being propped up with public funds.