Our non-job of the week is yet again another politically correct post in local government the British people could easily live without. Rather than putting our taxes to essential services, Lincolnshire County Council want not one but TWO - yes, Laurel and Hardy – diversity officers for its public sector pay roll.
If that wasn’t an incentive enough for Guardian readers, the advert also explains how the County Council is negotiating a new pay grade, hiking the salaries of each of these non-jobs to £27,000 a piece.
So, our non-jobs of the week from Lincolnshire County Council:
“2 Diversity Officers
£23,164 - £26,928
The postholder is responsible for leading on all aspects of policy advice, performance and monitoring in respect of the promotion and development of equality and diversity within their respective directorates.
i. To be the lead officer providing advice and guidance to designated directorates on meeting their responsibilities under the Corporate Equality Policy and Scheme.
ii. To work closely with managers and employees within designated directorates, and external stakeholders, to ensure delivery of key objectives and targets arising from the Corporate Equality Policy and Scheme.
iii. To lead directorate steering groups, providing guidance and ensuring delivery of key messages and targets.
iv. To manage directorate information required for assessment of the Equality Standard for Local Government and publication of the Corporate Equality Scheme, and others as required by legislation.
v. To develop new policies and systems within their directorates on existing and emerging areas of equality and diversity legislation and best practice.
vi. To manage and develop projects that achieve results/improve performance.
vii. To facilitate relevant learning and development opportunities within directorates, whether for managers, employees, elected members, trades unions, consultants and contractors.
viii To provide leadership and support to internal and external networks that promote and develop partnership working and community involvement in order to promote equality and celebrate diversity.
ix. To provide advice and guidance on relevant policy, research and analysis, including trends, statistics and demographic information.
x. To help maintain a high quality, regularly updated and consistent corporate equality website.
xi To represent the Diversity Manager in appropriate meetings and events, as directed.”
Value for money? Nah! So let Lincolnshire’s taxpayers know they are being ripped off!
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The Crescent,
PE11 1AB,
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Email: [email protected]
If you know of any other popular local newspapers, then do post them in the comments section.
Keep up the fight, folks!