Our Videos

Our Videos

Videos - UK TaxPayers' Allliance

Campaign Videos

Income Tax and National Insurance - What are you really paying?


Wasting Lives: A statistical analysis of NHS performance


HS2: Why are the Government taxing the poor to pay for a rich man's train?


HS2: Why are the Government cutting services for ordinary commuters to pay for a rich man's train?


HS2: Why are the Government taxing ordinary motorists to pay for a rich man's train?


World's fastest speaker vs the UK tax code


The Real National Debt: A decade of reckless growth


Welfare Reform in Tough Times


David Cameron & Nick Clegg have no mandate to hike VAT


George Osborne & Danny Alexander pay Britain's daily cheque to the EU


How long do you work for the taxman?


Pay Check: What is UNISON's Dave Prentis on?


The truth about Non-Jobs


DEFRA climate change propaganda


Ten Years On cinema advert


Jamie Oliveoil recipe for EU Agricultural Fudge


What will they tax next?


Income tax: call it what it is

Wasting Lives: A statistical analysis of NHS performance

Cut services to pay for HS2

World's Fastest Speaker vs the UK Tax Code

Taxpayer Funded Environmentalism

Welfare Reform in Tough Times

George Osborne and Danny Alexander pay Britain's daily cheque to the EU

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