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Videos - UK TaxPayers' Allliance
Campaign Videos
Income Tax and National Insurance - What are you really paying?
Wasting Lives: A statistical analysis of NHS performance
HS2: Why are the Government taxing the poor to pay for a rich man's train?
HS2: Why are the Government cutting services for ordinary commuters to pay for a rich man's train?
HS2: Why are the Government taxing ordinary motorists to pay for a rich man's train?
World's fastest speaker vs the UK tax code
The Real National Debt: A decade of reckless growth
Welfare Reform in Tough Times
David Cameron & Nick Clegg have no mandate to hike VAT
George Osborne & Danny Alexander pay Britain's daily cheque to the EU
How long do you work for the taxman?
Pay Check: What is UNISON's Dave Prentis on?
The truth about Non-Jobs
DEFRA climate change propaganda
Ten Years On cinema advert
Jamie Oliveoil recipe for EU Agricultural Fudge
What will they tax next?