Our plan for coronavirus recovery

At the TPA, we've been working hard to form a comprehensive plan to ensure Britain bounces back from coronavirus. In recent months we have proposed radical tax reforms, outlined growth-accelerating regulation improvements and called out waste across government departments. Quite simply, however, our approach to kickstarting the economy can be summed up in three simple points:

  • Cut taxes

  • Cut red tape

  • Cut waste



Cut taxes



Significant reform should now be implemented immediately to provide much-needed support to the economy as it pulls out of the pandemic; but instead of just cutting tax rates, whole sections of Britain’s enormous 25,000 page tax code should be jettisoned entirely by abolishing entire taxes and scrapping rates to create a leaner, more efficient system.


Click to read the research paper





Cut red tape




These proposed reforms cut red tape to build more housing, promote employment, recover high streets, enhance product offerings in goods and services, and make accessing finance less burdensome for smaller businesses.


Click to read the research paper




Cut waste




Our War on Waste research has uncovered billions of pounds of taxpayers’ money being wasted across all levels of government. Eradicating wasteful spending allows taxpayers’ money to be better spent on services.


Click to visit the campaign page




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