After months of hard work, we published our landmark report The Great British Transport Competition, which proposed 28 alternative transport infrastructure projects to HS2. The winning proposals ranged from reopening old railways stations and lines, upgrading the A1 and A5 to building more cycle paths across the nation.
The report was launched in Westminster by the Rt Hon David Davis who has long opposed HS2 and you can watch his remarks here. He pointed out that the total cost of all the projects in our report only came to £45.1 billion, £11 billion less than the current government estimates for HS2.
Also in attendance were our excellent judges Michael Byng, Craig Tracey MP, Lord Berkeley, Lord Framlingham, Phil Basey and James Roberts. Without their hard work and dedication this report would not have been possible.
Nearly every major newspaper in the country covered our report as did many local TV and radio stations. A big thank you to everyone who submitted proposals to the competition and I grow more confident by the day that HS2 will be scrapped. It's time this vanity project hit the buffers!