Over a number of years the TaxPayers' Alliance has produced pioneering research into public spending, taxation and broader economic policy. In areas such as public sector remuneration and quangos, TPA research now represents the definitive primary source used by the media, academics and the public. This archive contains all the research and polling carried out by the TaxPayers' Alliance, organised by both topic and date (click to reveal). You can also view a selection of the most recent releases below, or you can view the complete archive here
Some of our research is funded by research grants from charities. Where applicable, this financial support is indicated at the beginning of such papers. Charity law requires this research to be educational, impartially researched and published on our website for the benefit of the public. However, the conclusions which the TaxPayers’ Alliance and the author draw from the results of the research are theirs alone and are not attributable to any charity or its trustees.
For a quick link to our annual Town Hall Rich List, Public Sector Rich List and Quango Guide, please follow the shortcuts under 'Research by Topic' below.
'taxonomy' => 'research-topic',
'exclude' => '172,173,174',
'smallest' => '10' ) ); ?>
Public Sector Rich List • Town Hall Rich List • Quangos
have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
Click here for the full archive
<br /> //<![CDATA[<br /> function ShowHide(){<br /> $("#research-topic-date").animate({"height": "toggle"}, { duration: 400 });<br /> }<br /> //]]><br />Over a number of years the TaxPayers' Alliance has produced pioneering research into public spending, taxation and broader economic policy. In areas such as public sector remuneration and quangos, TPA research now represents the definitive primary source used by the media, academics and the public. This archive contains all the research and polling carried out by the TaxPayers' Alliance, organised by both topic and date (click to reveal). You can also view a selection of the most recent releases below, or you can view the complete archive here
Some of our research is funded by research grants from charities. Where applicable, this financial support is indicated at the beginning of such papers. Charity law requires this research to be educational, impartially researched and published on our website for the benefit of the public. However, the conclusions which the TaxPayers’ Alliance and the author draw from the results of the research are theirs alone and are not attributable to any charity or its trustees.
For a quick link to our annual Town Hall Rich List, Public Sector Rich List and Quango Guide, please follow the shortcuts under 'Research by Topic' below.
'taxonomy' => 'research-topic',
'exclude' => '172,173,174',
'smallest' => '10' ) ); ?>
Public Sector Rich List • Town Hall Rich List • Quangos