The TaxPayers' Alliance has produced pioneering research into public spending, taxation and broader economic policy.
In areas such as public sector remuneration and quangos, TPA research now represents the definitive primary source used by the media, academics and the public.
You can view our reports by subject below, or for our full archive click here
To speak to one of our researchers about our work, please call our media mobile on 07795 084 113 (24hrs) or email [email protected]
Business & Regulation
Successive governments have introduced regulations that burden Britain's businesses. Policies intended to promote regional growth mean high taxation is just handed back out in subsidies. Our research reveals the real cost of doing business in Britain. View all of our work on business & regulation.
Taxes imposed on industry mean huge costs for business and higher energy bills for families. Chasing spurious environmental targets will make us uncompetitive and drive up the cost of keeping the lights on. There is a sensible and practical alternative to tackling the environmental challenges our world faces. View all our work on the environment.
European Union
Our contribution to the EU is over £50 million every single day. Bureaucrats in Brussels waste our money on dubious projects and dodgy expenses. TPA research gives an insight into what really goes on inside the EU. View all our work on the EU.
The fight for lower taxes isn’t confined to Westminster. Our activists around the country work hard to expose wasteful spending. The TPA's regional research gets to the heart of what is going on in your local area. View all our grassroots research.
Britain’s healthcare system doesn't deliver the results that patients deserve. It is too centralised and too heavily managed by politicians. Our research reveals the consequences. View all of our work on healthcare.
International Development
The UK's aid budget is to increase by more than third before 2015. Too much of our money is wasted before it even reaches those in need. We have to ensure taxpayers’ money is used constructively, particularly when budgets are being squeezed at home, before we commit to even more to overseas aid. View all of our work on international aid.
Local Government
Council Tax has doubled in the last decade, yet local authorities continue to waste huge amounts of taxpayers’ money. Our popular local government papers let you know exactly how your councillors spend your cash. View all of our work on local government.
Protecting Taxpayers
For too long, it has been too easy for politicians to ignore taxpayers. We've set out to change that. Your money should not be squandered and you should be treated fairly by the taxman. View all of our work to protect taxpayers.
Public Sector Pay & Pensions
Public sector workers get a better deal than their private sector counterparts. They also have shorter working hours, more days off sick and generous taxpayer-funded pensions. Our work has led to essential reforms to ensure more sustainable pay and pensions. View all of our work on public sector pay & penisons.
Quangos are unaccountable to the taxpayers that pay for them, hugely expensive and often perform needless objectives. We were the first to map the entire quango state and its cost to taxpayers. View all of our work on quangos.
Rich Lists
Our renowned Public Sector and Town Hall Rich Lists were the first to detail the pay and bonuses of the top brass in government and local councils. It led the way for greater transparency, meaning taxpayers can see for themselves if they get value-for-money. Regularly referenced in Parliament, they are still the go-to-guides on public sector remuneration. View all of our rich lists.
Tax & Economics
We are taxed too much and spending is too high. Huge debts will be passed on to our children and Grandchildren. Our research exposes the debt burden, shows how to cut spending and maps out practical and realistic ways to reform taxes. View all of our work on tax & economics.
Taxpayer-funded Politics
Vested interests use your money to lobby for even more, and it is almost always used to agitate for higher taxes and more spending. We have exposed a range of different causes in the UK and the EU that mean bigger bills for ordinary families. View all of our work on taxpayer-funded politics.
Trade Unions
Public sector trade unions go on strike far more than their private sector counterparts. But our ground-breaking research has shown that they do so with significant funding from taxpayers at their disposal. This frees up cash for unions to fight necessary cuts in public spending and changes to public sector pensions. View all our work on trade unions.
The TPA has looked at the balance between spending on roads and rail. We have also led the fight against High Speed 2. Fuel Duty is a huge burden on motorists and our research has shown the disastrous impact that has on taxpayers in their local area. View all our work on transport.
Wasteful Spending
Successive Governments waste taxpayers’ money on everything from ludicrous vanity projects to poor procurement. The TPA is the UK’s biggest campaign against wasteful spending and will continue to expose profligate politicians in Westminster and Town Halls. View all of our work on wasteful spending.
Our welfare system is in dire need of reform, but that doesn't simply mean spending more money. We show how a better and cheaper benefits system could be designed and implemented, to stop people falling through the net and protect those most in need. View all of our work on welfare.
Some of our research is funded by research grants from charities. Where applicable, this financial support is indicated at the beginning of such papers. Charity law requires this research to be educational, impartially researched and published on our website for the benefit of the public. However, the conclusions which the TaxPayers’ Alliance and the author draw from the results of the research are theirs alone and are not attributable to any charity or its trustees.
The TaxPayers' Alliance has produced pioneering research into public spending, taxation and broader economic policy.
In areas such as public sector remuneration and quangos, TPA research now represents the definitive primary source used by the media, academics and the public.
You can view our reports by subject below, or for our full archive click here
To speak to one of our researchers about our work, please call our media mobile on 07795 084 113 (24hrs) or email [email protected]
Business & Regulation
Successive governments have introduced regulations that burden Britain's businesses. Policies intended to promote regional growth mean high taxation is just handed back out in subsidies. Our research reveals the real cost of doing business in Britain. View all of our work on business & regulation.
Taxes imposed on industry mean huge costs for business and higher energy bills for families. Chasing spurious environmental targets will make us uncompetitive and drive up the cost of keeping the lights on. There is a sensible and practical alternative to tackling the environmental challenges our world faces. View all our work on the environment.
European Union
Our contribution to the EU is over £50 million every single day. Bureaucrats in Brussels waste our money on dubious projects and dodgy expenses. TPA research gives an insight into what really goes on inside the EU. View all our work on the EU.
The fight for lower taxes isn’t confined to Westminster. Our activists around the country work hard to expose wasteful spending. The TPA's regional research gets to the heart of what is going on in your local area. View all our grassroots research.
Britain’s healthcare system doesn't deliver the results that patients deserve. It is too centralised and too heavily managed by politicians. Our research reveals the consequences. View all of our work on healthcare.
International Development
The UK's aid budget is to increase by more than third before 2015. Too much of our money is wasted before it even reaches those in need. We have to ensure taxpayers’ money is used constructively, particularly when budgets are being squeezed at home, before we commit to even more to overseas aid. View all of our work on international aid.
Local Government
Council Tax has doubled in the last decade, yet local authorities continue to waste huge amounts of taxpayers’ money. Our popular local government papers let you know exactly how your councillors spend your cash. View all of our work on local government.
Protecting Taxpayers
For too long, it has been too easy for politicians to ignore taxpayers. We've set out to change that. Your money should not be squandered and you should be treated fairly by the taxman. View all of our work to protect taxpayers.
Public Sector Pay & Pensions
Public sector workers get a better deal than their private sector counterparts. They also have shorter working hours, more days off sick and generous taxpayer-funded pensions. Our work has led to essential reforms to ensure more sustainable pay and pensions. View all of our work on public sector pay & penisons.
Quangos are unaccountable to the taxpayers that pay for them, hugely expensive and often perform needless objectives. We were the first to map the entire quango state and its cost to taxpayers. View all of our work on quangos.
Rich Lists
Our renowned Public Sector and Town Hall Rich Lists were the first to detail the pay and bonuses of the top brass in government and local councils. It led the way for greater transparency, meaning taxpayers can see for themselves if they get value-for-money. Regularly referenced in Parliament, they are still the go-to-guides on public sector remuneration. View all of our rich lists.
Tax & Economics
We are taxed too much and spending is too high. Huge debts will be passed on to our children and Grandchildren. Our research exposes the debt burden, shows how to cut spending and maps out practical and realistic ways to reform taxes. View all of our work on tax & economics.
Taxpayer-funded Politics
Vested interests use your money to lobby for even more, and it is almost always used to agitate for higher taxes and more spending. We have exposed a range of different causes in the UK and the EU that mean bigger bills for ordinary families. View all of our work on taxpayer-funded politics.
Trade Unions
Public sector trade unions go on strike far more than their private sector counterparts. But our ground-breaking research has shown that they do so with significant funding from taxpayers at their disposal. This frees up cash for unions to fight necessary cuts in public spending and changes to public sector pensions. View all our work on trade unions.
The TPA has looked at the balance between spending on roads and rail. We have also led the fight against High Speed 2. Fuel Duty is a huge burden on motorists and our research has shown the disastrous impact that has on taxpayers in their local area. View all our work on transport.
Wasteful Spending
Successive Governments waste taxpayers’ money on everything from ludicrous vanity projects to poor procurement. The TPA is the UK’s biggest campaign against wasteful spending and will continue to expose profligate politicians in Westminster and Town Halls. View all of our work on wasteful spending.
Our welfare system is in dire need of reform, but that doesn't simply mean spending more money. We show how a better and cheaper benefits system could be designed and implemented, to stop people falling through the net and protect those most in need. View all of our work on welfare.
Some of our research is funded by research grants from charities. Where applicable, this financial support is indicated at the beginning of such papers. Charity law requires this research to be educational, impartially researched and published on our website for the benefit of the public. However, the conclusions which the TaxPayers’ Alliance and the author draw from the results of the research are theirs alone and are not attributable to any charity or its trustees.