Research papers

MoD Civilian Manpower

The Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) budget for 2014-15 is £38 billion, one of the largest on Whitehall. It accounts for more than 5 per cent of this year’s Total Managed Expenditure (TME) of £732 billion and consequently is under scrutiny. Read more...

Unnecessary jobs in the Welsh emergency services

Emergency services in Wales are facing significant pressure on their finances. With that in mind, they should be examining ways to cut overall expenditure in areas that have the least impact on their ability to provide a good service. Previous TaxPayers’ Alliance research has shown that millions of pounds are... Read more...

Town Hall Rich List 2014

For the eighth consecutive year, the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) has compiled the most comprehensive list of council employees in the UK whose total annual remuneration exceeds £100,000. This year’s Town Hall Rich List covers the 2011-12 and 2012-13 financial years, the most recent full years for which data is available. Read more...

Council liabilities

Public sector debt is forecast by the Office for Budgetary Responsibility to exceed £1.3 trillion in 2014-15.1 However, as explained by previous TaxPayers’ Alliance research, this number does not include a range of expensive commitments such as unfunded pension liabilities. Read more...

Tax Reform

As a country our tax legislation is vast, complicated and growing; with each successive government the size of the UK tax code grows. A simpler, clearer and lighter tax system which is more understandable would close loopholes, encourage business growth and be easier to implement. Read more...

Property Taxes

When Stamp Duty was first introduced there was only one rate of 1% paid on properties over £60,000 which was more than above the current average house price. Now we have 5 rates and more than two thirds of families pay it when they move. Read more...

NHS unnecessary jobs

Between 2002-3 and 2012-13, the NHS budget increased from £57 billion to more than £105 billion. With the budget now so large and no longer growing so quickly, it’s more important than ever that the NHS delivers value for money. Read more...

NHS Energy and Water Bills

We can today reveal that the NHS in England wasted £41.4 million last year simply by paying more than it should for energy and water. The money wasted annually on excessive utility bills could cover the cost of employing 1,350 more nurses. A number of hospitals could have saved over... Read more...

201 Ways to Save Money in Local Government

Councils have received less money from central government since 2010. This has been necessary to help close the deficit. But local authorities shouldn't look to local taxpayers to plug the gaps in their finances by hiking Council Tax, a bill that has nearly doubled over the last decade. Council Tax... Read more...

Work for the Dole

Work for the Dole is a proposal to fix welfare dependency based around the idea that welfare reform must involve more than numeracy and literacy tests in order to ensure those stuck on welfare have a better chance of gaining employment. To read the full report, click here  Read more...

EU Fiscal Factbook

Britain’s contribution to the EU gets bigger every year.  That means bigger tax bills for families across the country and too much of the money is wasted. Brussels also makes life difficult for British businesses with draconian regulations. We deserve a better deal. Click here for the factbook. Read more...

The £2bn holiday tax

As millions of British families return from their holidays, new research from the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) reveals just how much tax they have to pay in order to enjoy a well-earned break. Thanks to the highest taxes on flights in the world and other taxes on common holiday purchases, the... Read more...

Stamp Duty Hikes by 2018

Three in ten homes are to suffer from a Stamp Duty hike by 2017, whilst a third of potential home buyers will pay over £7,500 in Stamp Duty by 2018. Read more...

Economic Impact of Stamp Duty

The Tax Payers’ Alliance believes that in the long term Stamp Duty Land Tax should be abolished. However reforms are also possible that would ease the burden on families with a limited, or even positive, impact on overall tax receipts. In new research based on the relationship between the tax... Read more...

The Stamp Duty Burden

Expected rising property prices over the next five years by Savills Research mean that many more exempt homes will be subject to Stamp Duty when they are sold and many homes which are already subject to the charge will face an even higher bill. While all homes which rise in... Read more...

How to fix corporate taxes

Writing in today’s Daily Telegraph Matthew Sinclair argues that our complicated capital tax system needs reform. His article follows the release of our new research How to fix corporate taxes which is part of a set of papers that demonstrate the steps needed to introduce key recommendations from the 2020 Tax Commission final report, The Single Income... Read more...

Town Hall Rich List 2013

For the seventh consecutive year, the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) has compiled the most comprehensive list of council employees in the UK whose total annual remuneration exceeds £100,000. This year’s Town Hall Rich List covers the 2010-11 and 2011-12 financial years, the most recent full years for which data is available. Town Hall Rich... Read more...

28,754 town hall middle managers cost us nearly £2 billion a year

The TaxPayers’ Alliance can today reveal that there are 28,754 local authority staff paid over £50,000 a year, which cost taxpayers £1.9 billion in 2011-12. The cost of paying these staff is the equivalent of 7.5 per cent of Council Tax receipts. This bill is down 12.5 per cent from last year but 118 councils increased the amount spent... Read more...

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