Research papers

The Case Against Green Taxes

The first comparison of official and academic estimates of the social cost of Britain’s carbon emissions with the revenue raised from green taxes shows that environmental taxation is already above its optimal level.  Read more...

Response to the CQoLPC Report

The TPA attacks the intellectual assumptions behind the report and argues that the Policy Group’s recommendations would lead to more tax, regulation and bureaucracy, would curb vital infrastructure development and would undermine free trade.  Read more...

The Non-Courses Report 2007

The TaxPayers’ Alliance has compiled Britain’s first ever list of university “non-courses” – university degrees that lend the respectability of scholarly qualifications to non-academic subjects – and calculated their annual cost to students and taxpayers. The huge expansion in student numbers in recent years, encouraged by the Government’s 50 per... Read more...

Green Tokenism: Government Cars

The research note finds that if the Government had not bought hybrid cars, it could have planted 74,000 trees with the money saved, a far better environmental move.  Read more...

Cost of Government Day

The research note extends the concept of Tax Freedom Day and estimates the date in the calendar year when the average person has earned enough to pay of his share of government spending and regulation.  Read more...

Beyond the Dome: Government projects £23 billion over budget

The TaxPayers' Alliance today reveals for the first time the scale of cost overruns in public sector capital procurement projects.  We have investigated the official record of over 300 schemes, including roads, hospitals, science facilities, IT systems, art galleries and defence systems, which have been completed since the start of... Read more...

Today Programme balance

This note presents the results of 4 days of analysis of the bigger government/smaller government balance on the Today Programme on BBC Radio 4, and finds that the "more government" messages dominate the "less government" messages. Download Today Programme balance (PDF) Read more...

Poorest fifth pay the highest tax burden

This report analyses official data for the last 20 years and finds that the gap between the tax burden facing the poorest fifth and the richest fifth of households has widened under Gordon Brown. The poor pay higher taxes than the rich.  Download Poorest fifth pay the highest tax burden... Read more...

Budget 2007: tax cuts abroad

In advance of the Budget in March 2007, the TPA detailed a large number of countries abroad that had cut taxes in the past two years, putting pressure on Gordon Brown to follow suit.   Read more...

Who wants to be a Tax Millionaire?

...Nobody, but if current trends continue, by 2015 the average houshold will be paying £1 million in direct and indirect taxes over a lifetime. Download Who wants to be a Tax Millionaire? (PDF) Read more...

Taxes on the Poorest Households

This report analyses official data for the last 20 years and finds that the gap between the tax burden facing the poorest fifth and the richest fifth of households has widened under Gordon Brown. The poor pay higher taxes than the rich.  Read more...

Dynamic Model of the UK Economy

The TPA commissioned the Centre for Economics and Business Research to build a dynamic model of the UK economy. The first simulations show that reducing the main corporation tax rate to the Irish rate would deliver immense economic benefits. Read more...

Councillors’ Allowances

A joint publication with Isitfair, the campaign for reform of the council tax system, giving details of councillors’ allowances in town halls across the country.  Read more...

Town Hall Rich List 2007

A groundbreaking study, using the Freedom of Information Act, listing the names, positions and total remuneration of all staff in 230 local authorities earning over £100,000 a year for the periods 2004-05 and 2005-06.  Read more...

Costing the Common Fisheries Policy

The report sets out the first ever comprehensive costing of the Common Fisheries Policy, and argues that it has been a disaster for fishermen, consumers and the environment alike.  Read more...

Better Government Report

The first report of the new “Better Government Campaign” shows that public services are failing because politicians lack the management experience and subject knowledge to run them effectively. Read more...

Annual Non-Job Report 2006

The report presents the salary bill for jobs advertised in Society Guardian and picks out the most egregious examples that have little, if any, value for taxpayers.  Read more...

The Real Cost of Gordon Brown

The research note shows that if the tax burden as a share of GDP had stayed at its 1997 level, the basic rate of income tax could be reduced to 10 per cent.  Read more...

Moving Britain Backwards

Written by former World Bank economist Keith Marsden, the paper tears apart Gordon Brown’s economic record and shows how Britain’s economy has become less competitive and less able to meet the coming challenges. Read more...

Public Sector Rich List 2006

This note presents a list of the 170 most highly paid people in the public sector – people earning above £150,000 a year in government departments, quangos, other public bodies and public corporations.  Read more...

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