Of all the things a council could interfere in, Slough Council has banned its community bonfire – especially for bonfire night – because it breaches their ‘clean air policy’. With the proliferation of green politics and the development of ‘climate change’ departments in local authorities, we’re certainly not surprised such a ridiculous measure has been taken. To think that a bonfire can pollute the air of an entire borough is madness. To ban it, a yearly celebration that is one of the few remaining public activities to bring communities together, is bordering on the ridiculous.
Councils must stop interfering in our lives. They ban bonfires because of the smoke, so what next - banning the barbecues in our back gardens?
So hold these interfering, bureaucratic clowns to account. Write to:
Cllr Richard Stokes
Leader of Slough Borough Council
Slough Borough Council
Landmark Place
High Street
Email: [email protected]
And the local papers too:
Letters Editor
Slough, Eton and Windsor Observer
Upton Court,
SL3 7NR,
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Letters Editor
Slough Express
487 Ipswich Road,
SL3 7NR,
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]