The effects on the workforce of unionisation and management in the public sector

Blogger Croydonian has looked through the details of a TUC poll on workplace attitudes.  There are some interesting comparisons to be drawn between unionised and non-unionised, and public and private sector organisations.  Here are a few examples:

"Trade unionists are less loyal to employers than the unionised:

"I feel committed to the organisation for which I currently work"

Non-union - 57%
Union - 54%

"I would speak highly to people..about my employer" -

Non-union 53%
Union -46%"


"Lousy public sector managers / egg-shell employees:

"Bullying by management is an issue where I work"

Public sector - 31%
Private sector - 18%

"Discrimination on grounds of gender is an issue where I work"

Public sector - 7%
Private sector - 4%"

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