A Healthcare Commission report shows that 99 out of 394 trusts are failing to take basic steps such as safely decontaminating reusable medical equipment and keeping facilities clean. This can be added to the news last November that 84% of staff did not wash their hands before and after contact with an MRSA patient as they are supposed to and 25% failed to wash their hands even after contact with faeces. This has all contributed to Britain having the worst record of developed countries in hospital infection rates.
The NHS is killing thousands of patients every year thanks to poor management and low standards. Any company with such a record of killing people purely through incompetence would long ago have gone out of business. Only the monopoly status of the NHS allows it to get away with these mistakes. A similar lack of accountability applies in the probation service when released prisoners who were meant to be monitored are allowed to go on and kill innocent people without the probationers receiving any meaningful sanction. When are we going to have a level playing field and start treating public and private sector managers equally?
A Healthcare Commission report shows that 99 out of 394 trusts are failing to take basic steps such as safely decontaminating reusable medical equipment and keeping facilities clean. This can be added to the news last November that 84% of staff did not wash their hands before and after contact with an MRSA patient as they are supposed to and 25% failed to wash their hands even after contact with faeces. This has all contributed to Britain having the worst record of developed countries in hospital infection rates.
The NHS is killing thousands of patients every year thanks to poor management and low standards. Any company with such a record of killing people purely through incompetence would long ago have gone out of business. Only the monopoly status of the NHS allows it to get away with these mistakes. A similar lack of accountability applies in the probation service when released prisoners who were meant to be monitored are allowed to go on and kill innocent people without the probationers receiving any meaningful sanction. When are we going to have a level playing field and start treating public and private sector managers equally?