Warwickshire "Go Green" boss submits £8,500 in mileage claims

The Coventry Telegraph has revealed how Warwickshire County Council’s “Go Green” boss has been using his 4x4 vehicle to clock up almost 10,000 miles, costing taxpayers no less than £8,500.


4x4 Martin Healey, the council’s ‘environmental leader’, hasn’t exactly been leading by example as his expenses claims for mileage topped the list of all elected members, and  yet he has brushed criticism aside by stating that the council can’t “go green overnight”.


Of course, this is exactly the sort of hypocrisy that diminishes the faith residents put in their representatives, only made worse by the fact they’re having to foot the bill.


This just goes to show what little heed many councillors pay to the messages they so earnestly spout, and once again the rest of us must be resigned to the fact that it’s one rule for “them” and another for us. And as the least ‘green’ councillor of the bunch hits the road at considerable public expense whilst telling the rest of us to take the bus, we’re reminded just how detached from reality our politicians have become with behaviour like this just serving to reaffirm the current public feeling towards them.


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