The Grassroots Campaign

The TaxPayers’ Alliance grassroots campaign is where you make your voice heard.  We are steadily building a strong grassroots campaign to keep an eye on those who tax, spend and waste our money.  Have a read through our grassroots pages, see what our campaigners are up to and if you want to do something to turn this country away form higher taxes – then get involved. 

We’re not a think-tank.  We’re a do-tank.

This is your campaign.  We don’t order you about; we don’t run everything from the centre.  We’re here to open up new opportunities for you to campaign for lower taxes, to empower those who feel powerless and to fight back at a political class that squanders our hard-earned money!

It’s free to sign up and our freepost account means it’s so easy to join us.  Recommend us to your friends and neighbours or anyone sick of paying so much tax.  Contact us if you would prefer us to send you some leaflets to hand out instead.   

If you’re not up to pounding the streets, you can do just as much from your PC.  You can:

    • Get involved with our lobbying campaigns mobilising the whole TPA to overturn unpopular tax hikes and wasteful spending.
    • Send Freedom of Information Requests to see where your money is being spent and bring it to our attention.
    • Write letters to your local papers keeping tax and spending stories at the top of the local agenda.
    • If you have a tax idea and want to write a 300-400 word article for our website – just as other activists have – then email it through and we’ll have a look over it, hopefully putting it up on the website. 

Aside from our constant grassroots campaign, we also organise ‘set piece’ events to add variety to our campaigns.  To bolster our membership and local media presence, we hold protests in sympathy with council tax rebels or those over-taxed by local councils.  These have been enjoyable experiences for all activists and we expect higher attendance in better weather conditions.  More importantly, however, the support given to those under terrible amounts of stress and hardship by being unable to pay council tax gives ensures activist retention and shows how we have helped those in greatest need.

To retain an active membership we have to give them direct access to the political system, researching ways in which independent taxpayers can fight for more accountability and less waste in public finance.  Given the nature of our relatively closed political system, we have been researching areas where activists can make the difference to tax and spend issues without having to stand for elected office.

Just remember that whatever you do, no matter how much, it all helps the campaign.  When there are enough of us campaigning for lower taxes, the politicians will have to listen.  So what are you waiting for, drop us an email and get campaigning!

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