Embargoed: 00:01 Sunday 16th July 2023
Research from the TaxPayers' Alliance has revealed the cost of the top paid BBC executives is running into the tens of millions, alongside the staggering salaries paid to BBC stars. The total bill for senior BBC staff is estimated at £72.4 million, with £36.1 million being paid to on-air talent, and £36.3 million paid to backroom bosses. This includes 133 named figures who receive over £178,000. A total of 435 staff at the BBC, including backroom bosses and on-air talent, earn over £100,000. The news comes as ministers consider whether to increase the licence fee, with reports that they are considering raising it from £159 to £171. Median earnings at the BBC were £49,305 last year - 78 per cent higher than median earnings across the UK (£27,716).
Key findings:
John O’Connell, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said: "Hard-pressed households resent being forced to cough up for these princely pay packets. “With Brits grappling with a cost of living crisis and the BBC lurching from one crisis to another, these superstar salaries are impossible to justify. “Ministers should axe the hated TV tax and let people choose for themselves if they want to pay for Auntie.”
TPA spokespeople are available for live and pre-recorded broadcast interviews via 07795 084 113 (no texts)
Conor Holohan
Notes to editors: