We need your help!
Scroll down to tell the council that you don't want council tax to rise
Bristol city council has launched a consultation on how much council tax should rise by next year, with a potential increase as high as 5 per cent! Council tax in Bristol rose by 33.4 per cent between 1997 and 2017.
But as our research has shown, the council has wasted at least £5 million of taxpayers’ money in recent years. Examples include:
Over £2.1 million on the mayor’s office between 2015 and 2019.
Over £900,000 spent on taxis between February and September 2020.
Almost £20,000 wasted on room hire during the pandemic, including over £1,600 for an election event that didn’t go ahead.
Councillors awarded themselves a £180,000 pay rise in March.
- Almost £200,000 spent on consultancy fees for a report on Bristol energy.
- £400,000 pumped into Avon Mutual community bank - dubbed "the next Bristol Energy".
How to take part in the consultation:
- Open the consultation page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next Page
- Repeat step 2 for the next page
- Scroll down the page and find the section labelled "Which of the following Council Tax options would you prefer next year?"
- Choose Option CT0
Scroll further down the page and find the section labelled "Which of the following Social Care Precept options would you prefer next year?"
- Choose No additional Social Care Precept
- (Optional) Scroll further down the page and find the section asking for "other suggestions for how the council can save money or raise money"
- (Optional) Enter your suggestions in the text box provided
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next Page
- (Optional) Enter your personal details
- Scroll to the bottom and click Finish Survey
All done! Thank you for submitting to the consultation.
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