Labour's energy renationalisation claims 'either an outright lie or a display of breathtaking ignorance'

Responding to Labour’s call to renationalise the entire energy sector, John O’Connell, Chief Executive at the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said:
“Whatever Jeremy Corbyn says about putting people in control, the reality is that politicians and union barons would be running the show and making a complete hash of it, just as they did in the 1970's. The last time this happened Britain suffered the three day week and mass power cuts. 

John McDonnell's claim that there would be no cost to taxpayers of renationalising vast swathes of industry is either an outright lie or a display of breathtaking ignorance."
TPA spokesmen are available for live and pre-recorded broadcast interviews via 07795 084 113 (no texts)

Media contacts

James Price
Campaign Manager, TaxPayers' Alliance
24-hour media hotline: 07795 084 113 (no texts)

Notes to editors

1. Founded in 2004 by Matthew Elliott and Andrew Allum, and now with 80,000 supporters, the TaxPayers’ Alliance (TPA) fights to reform taxes, reduce spending and protect taxpayers. Find out more about the TaxPayers' Alliance at
2. To find out more on why government interference in the energy sector increases costs to consumers, read page 28 of the TPA's "Why the cost of living is so high"
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