It’s that time again, the weekly painful trawl through the pages of the Guardian Society jobs section to find yet more cringe-worthy jobs you couldn’t make up but ones that you certainly are paying for. We look this week to North Norfolk District Council, spending your money on a ‘County Community Cohesion Officer’, a job oozing with politically correct overtones.
At a cost of well over £40,000 to the taxpayer, can we really say this job is value for money? If people want to experience and research other beliefs and cultures, what can a Community Cohesion Officer do that a Public Library, place of worship or voluntary community can't? Nothing. The council should be working to lower taxes in next years budget and not looking to increase its payroll.
So we present to you this week our non-job of the week:
“County Community Cohesion Officer
Everybody in a community has a voice.
We want you to make sure that everyone listens.
Norfolk is an outstandingly beautiful county, and we want to make living here just as special.
We have strong strategic partnerships that include the public, private and voluntary sectors.
A key objective of the Norfolk Strategic Partnership is to support strong and vibrant communities.
This aspiration will be achieved through extensive partnership working to create an environment where people live and work together appreciating and respecting difference and diversity. This means positively recognising the beliefs, cultures and identities of individuals and communities and ensuring that everyone is valued. It's about ensuring that strong and positive relationships are developed between people from different backgrounds in schools, the workplaces, and within local communities and neighbourhoods.
As the County Community Cohesion Officer you would be responsible for developing:
- A Community Cohesion Strategy - which promotes and encourages opportunities for people to learn about and appreciate and respect the wide range of cultures, beliefs and values which exist in Norfolk
- A Community Cohesion Contingency Plan which brings together key agencies in the provision and development of services which respond effectively to activities or incidents that may threaten community cohesion in Norfolk
- Developing mechanisms to ensure that key agencies and organisations and community interest groups are working together to understand and develop their knowledge of community cohesion and integration issues at a strategic and local level.
This post will be hosted by North Norfolk District Council on behalf of the Norfolk County Strategic Partnership. North Norfolk District Council operates from modern offices in the resort town of Cromer on the North Norfolk Coast. The requirements of the post will however require extensive travel across Norfolk and work at a sub-regional and regional level.”
As always, let the people know about this. Get writing to your local papers about this, look through your local papers and find more non-jobs. These people are wasting our money and it has got to stop. So get writing. Feel free to contact:
Letters Editor
Eastern Daily Press
Prospect House,
Rouen Road,
NR1 1RE,
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Please put in the comments section any other newspapers in the area worth writing to. Keep up the work folks.