A new year dawns, but unfortunately the same old non-jobs remain. Thanks to an eagle-eyed supporter, I've discovered that 'a central government client' is searching for an Interim Diversity Professional. The daily rate for this non-job is a whopping £375-£400. That's an annualised salary of around £100K for making sure the government doesn't discriminate against its employees, even though it's illegal to do so. It seems as if the war on non-jobs in Whitehall is proving ineffectual when you read job adverts like this one.
Newham Borough council is looking for a Hearty Lives Project Manager. The purpose of this job is to 'increase children and young peoples [sic] physical activity levels and promote heart health activity to prevent ill health.'Children are already told about the benefits of eating well and importance of exercise during their lessons in school. Does it really need taxpayers to pour in another £1.5 million into a scheme that states the obvious? Isn't it the responsibility of parents to ensure their children eat well? I think everyone by now knows that a constant diet of fried food, saturated fats, fizzy drinks and chocolate is not healthy!
Oxford City Council is looking for a Service Manager Environmental Sustainability on £41,616 a year. The advert has all the buzzwords you would expect, including 'build, develop and maintain effective networks & good working relationships – with key partners and stakeholders in the delivery of services in the job portfolio.' It even states that a requirement of the job is to comply with the council's Equal Opportunities Policy. As if they have any option!
It seems that the point of this job is to motivate staff, ensure they have all the training resources they need, and consult with the trade unions. It seems the whole point of the department is to ensure the council is seen to be green. If this the best way the council can think of to spend over £40K of our hard earned cash?
The winner this week is Cherwell District Council. It is advertising for a Head of Transformation on £73,000 a year. According to the council's website, this is the person they are looking for:
You will play a critical role in the transformation of the organisations, ensuring that we develop a customer-centric approach to service delivery. Whilst the need for efficiencies is obvious, you will ensure that we also harness creativity and innovation to drive an effective people strategy that ensures high performance and continuous improvement. You will bring significant experience of leading and delivering organisational change and demonstrate a real appetite and drive to develop the organisations further to both exploit the opportunities afforded for shared services as well as recognising the distinct sovereignty of both Councils.
You would have hoped they already had a customer-centric approach. Is this an admission that they don't? High performance and continuous improvement is something all managers should be doing anyway. They should be already be searching for ways to improve services and give taxpayers better value for money. Why do they need to employ someone else? Is this an admission of failure?A new year dawns, but unfortunately the same old non-jobs remain. Thanks to an eagle-eyed supporter, I've discovered that 'a central government client' is searching for an Interim Diversity Professional. The daily rate for this non-job is a whopping £375-£400. That's an annualised salary of around £100K for making sure the government doesn't discriminate against its employees, even though it's illegal to do so. It seems as if the war on non-jobs in Whitehall is proving ineffectual when you read job adverts like this one.
Newham Borough council is looking for a Hearty Lives Project Manager. The purpose of this job is to 'increase children and young peoples [sic] physical activity levels and promote heart health activity to prevent ill health.'Children are already told about the benefits of eating well and importance of exercise during their lessons in school. Does it really need taxpayers to pour in another £1.5 million into a scheme that states the obvious? Isn't it the responsibility of parents to ensure their children eat well? I think everyone by now knows that a constant diet of fried food, saturated fats, fizzy drinks and chocolate is not healthy!
Oxford City Council is looking for a Service Manager Environmental Sustainability on £41,616 a year. The advert has all the buzzwords you would expect, including 'build, develop and maintain effective networks & good working relationships – with key partners and stakeholders in the delivery of services in the job portfolio.' It even states that a requirement of the job is to comply with the council's Equal Opportunities Policy. As if they have any option!
It seems that the point of this job is to motivate staff, ensure they have all the training resources they need, and consult with the trade unions. It seems the whole point of the department is to ensure the council is seen to be green. If this the best way the council can think of to spend over £40K of our hard earned cash?
The winner this week is Cherwell District Council. It is advertising for a Head of Transformation on £73,000 a year. According to the council's website, this is the person they are looking for:
You will play a critical role in the transformation of the organisations, ensuring that we develop a customer-centric approach to service delivery. Whilst the need for efficiencies is obvious, you will ensure that we also harness creativity and innovation to drive an effective people strategy that ensures high performance and continuous improvement. You will bring significant experience of leading and delivering organisational change and demonstrate a real appetite and drive to develop the organisations further to both exploit the opportunities afforded for shared services as well as recognising the distinct sovereignty of both Councils.
You would have hoped they already had a customer-centric approach. Is this an admission that they don't? High performance and continuous improvement is something all managers should be doing anyway. They should be already be searching for ways to improve services and give taxpayers better value for money. Why do they need to employ someone else? Is this an admission of failure?
Newham Borough council is looking for a Hearty Lives Project Manager. The purpose of this job is to 'increase children and young peoples [sic] physical activity levels and promote heart health activity to prevent ill health.'Children are already told about the benefits of eating well and importance of exercise during their lessons in school. Does it really need taxpayers to pour in another £1.5 million into a scheme that states the obvious? Isn't it the responsibility of parents to ensure their children eat well? I think everyone by now knows that a constant diet of fried food, saturated fats, fizzy drinks and chocolate is not healthy!
Oxford City Council is looking for a Service Manager Environmental Sustainability on £41,616 a year. The advert has all the buzzwords you would expect, including 'build, develop and maintain effective networks & good working relationships – with key partners and stakeholders in the delivery of services in the job portfolio.' It even states that a requirement of the job is to comply with the council's Equal Opportunities Policy. As if they have any option!
It seems that the point of this job is to motivate staff, ensure they have all the training resources they need, and consult with the trade unions. It seems the whole point of the department is to ensure the council is seen to be green. If this the best way the council can think of to spend over £40K of our hard earned cash?
The winner this week is Cherwell District Council. It is advertising for a Head of Transformation on £73,000 a year. According to the council's website, this is the person they are looking for:
You will play a critical role in the transformation of the organisations, ensuring that we develop a customer-centric approach to service delivery. Whilst the need for efficiencies is obvious, you will ensure that we also harness creativity and innovation to drive an effective people strategy that ensures high performance and continuous improvement. You will bring significant experience of leading and delivering organisational change and demonstrate a real appetite and drive to develop the organisations further to both exploit the opportunities afforded for shared services as well as recognising the distinct sovereignty of both Councils.
You would have hoped they already had a customer-centric approach. Is this an admission that they don't? High performance and continuous improvement is something all managers should be doing anyway. They should be already be searching for ways to improve services and give taxpayers better value for money. Why do they need to employ someone else? Is this an admission of failure?A new year dawns, but unfortunately the same old non-jobs remain. Thanks to an eagle-eyed supporter, I've discovered that 'a central government client' is searching for an Interim Diversity Professional. The daily rate for this non-job is a whopping £375-£400. That's an annualised salary of around £100K for making sure the government doesn't discriminate against its employees, even though it's illegal to do so. It seems as if the war on non-jobs in Whitehall is proving ineffectual when you read job adverts like this one.
Newham Borough council is looking for a Hearty Lives Project Manager. The purpose of this job is to 'increase children and young peoples [sic] physical activity levels and promote heart health activity to prevent ill health.'Children are already told about the benefits of eating well and importance of exercise during their lessons in school. Does it really need taxpayers to pour in another £1.5 million into a scheme that states the obvious? Isn't it the responsibility of parents to ensure their children eat well? I think everyone by now knows that a constant diet of fried food, saturated fats, fizzy drinks and chocolate is not healthy!
Oxford City Council is looking for a Service Manager Environmental Sustainability on £41,616 a year. The advert has all the buzzwords you would expect, including 'build, develop and maintain effective networks & good working relationships – with key partners and stakeholders in the delivery of services in the job portfolio.' It even states that a requirement of the job is to comply with the council's Equal Opportunities Policy. As if they have any option!
It seems that the point of this job is to motivate staff, ensure they have all the training resources they need, and consult with the trade unions. It seems the whole point of the department is to ensure the council is seen to be green. If this the best way the council can think of to spend over £40K of our hard earned cash?
The winner this week is Cherwell District Council. It is advertising for a Head of Transformation on £73,000 a year. According to the council's website, this is the person they are looking for:
You will play a critical role in the transformation of the organisations, ensuring that we develop a customer-centric approach to service delivery. Whilst the need for efficiencies is obvious, you will ensure that we also harness creativity and innovation to drive an effective people strategy that ensures high performance and continuous improvement. You will bring significant experience of leading and delivering organisational change and demonstrate a real appetite and drive to develop the organisations further to both exploit the opportunities afforded for shared services as well as recognising the distinct sovereignty of both Councils.
You would have hoped they already had a customer-centric approach. Is this an admission that they don't? High performance and continuous improvement is something all managers should be doing anyway. They should be already be searching for ways to improve services and give taxpayers better value for money. Why do they need to employ someone else? Is this an admission of failure?