Prescribing walking to pensioners

There is something awfully patronising about this:

"Doctors should instruct those over 65 to join walking groups and take part in other exercise like swimming and dance classes, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) has recommended.

It is pushing the 'walking cure' because more old people feel unhappy now than they did 50 years ago, despite pensioners being more wealthy."

    1. When did prescriptions become a forum for lifestyle advice?  They're supposed to be an instruction, primarily to pharmacies, allowing people to obtain specific treatments, not a generalised set of recommendations.  If a doctor thinks that their patient isn't getting enough exercise and should take a vigorous constitutional a few times a week then they should just say so.


  1. The same research methods which show pensioners getting better off but not happier over fifty years show roughly the same result for everyone else.  Those results aren't credible.
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