Tower Shamlets 'defend' Islamist books

A couple of weeks ago we highlighted a report by the Centre for Social Cohesion that exposed the shocking amount of Islamic Fundamentalist literature stocked in Tower Shamlets’ taxpayer-funded libraries.  So I wrote to the leader of the council and got a reply from their head of Idea Stores (Chief Librarian to you and me):


"Dear Councillor Jones,




In reading the latest Centre for Social Cohesion report into Islamic Fundamentalist literature stocked in public libraries, would you care to explain how and why taxpayers’ money has been used to stock public libraries with books promoting hate, violence and Islamic Fundamentalism?




Yours sincerely,


Tim Aker"


Have a read of thier reply below and tell us what you think of their response in the comments section.  Are Tower Shamlets dodging the questions?  Should they spend taxpayers’ money on terrorist manuals?  Let us know what you think!



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